Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I do better in life when I blog

I have been a bit of an emotional and mental mess for the past few weeks and I couldn't figure out why. Not a terrible mess mind you, just a little bit. I've been feeling pressure building up inside me that effects my daily life. I realized a few days ago that I need to blow off some steam. Not anger, just relase the ideas, thoughts and feelings that circle in my head like planes waiting to land. I just have "stuff" buzzing around inside of my head that I have to get out or I start to feel a little nuts and I now realize my blog helps me do that. I haven't blogged for several months now and I guess I need to! So here I am again publicly sharing my private thoughts with the world.....well not too private. For some reason a diary doesn't do for me what blogging does. Maybe it's because I know a handful of my friends read it and smile, laugh, shout or cry with me. In college I used to have a diary that I wrote on my computer in a Word document....maybe it's just the typing? Either way, I love to blog and I need to blog so here I am!

I also started a new blog with a different subject matter a few days ago, you can check it out here: Seeking To Glorify Him. I love but I used Wordpress for this one. I just wanted to see what other blog sites have to offer. I am liking Wordpress but not any more than blogger....anyway! I'll let my new blog speak for itself.

Okay, kids are awake and I have to get on with my day. However, to keep my sanity, I will be spilling my thoughts here soon so stay tuned.....