Monday, September 29, 2008

God Bless the Public School!

My boys attend a year-round school schedule and I love it however, when they are on a school break, I reach my breaking point towards the end just about every time. And we are on our last week before they go back and I HAVE HAD IT!!!!!! I feel like taking them school tomorrow morning and BEGGING the Principal to take them back early. I adore my boys so I feel totally guilty wanting them to "go away" for 6 hours a day. It's just so hard to keep 2 active boys entertained all day and get all the laundry, shopping, cleaning, etc done. I feel guilty when I'm not providing them with ample educational activities during their vacations. I feel like we should be baking our own bread, making a model of the solar system and visiting all the local points of interest. I started this break with great gusto. We went to the park every day, baked our own granola bars (they were gross!), went to the Sacramento Kids Space Museum, did some math activities on the computer and read books together. But I have no time to myself to regenerate and so I'm petering out. They watched 3 hours of TV this morning and I STILL got nothing done. DH says "Make 'em work, have them help you with your chores." Yeah, if your a mom (I don't know who else reads this but moms) you probably just laughed at that. It takes at least twice the energy to get them to do things as it does to do it myself. Not to mention at ages 6 & 8 there isn't much they can do without at least some of my help. So that really isn't a solution to uncomplicated my day.

Right now, as I type this DD has a cereal box tipped over and is eating out of it, Monkey is clamoring around upstairs doing who only knows what. He is wearing only a pair of shorts since I need to do laundry and he's out of underwear and shirts. Bear is running around in his underwear with his blanket off his bed tied around his neck shouting something about being "Captain Underwear". At least he's being creative with the clean clothes deficit around here. My sink is full of dishes, the bathrooms are getting a bit gross, I haven't showered in 2 days, etc, etc, etc. And I'm sitting here frozen on my computer. I have such a hard time doing anything around the house when there is chaos around me. I like to have things fairly mellow when I work. Not totally quiet but not raucous either! Not really a good quality for a SAHM.

Okay, enough whining. They go back to school on Monday and this weekend I get to "get away" from it all for a bit. DD and I are flying up to visit my Dad and Grandma in WA state. My sis is flying in from PA so I get to see her too. My Grandma will be 90 next Feb but she's not doing well so my sis and I wanted to visit her asap. I'm really looking forward to the break from the boys. (Ouch, that hurts to write and I will feel guilty about it for the next 10 minutes).

Well, signing off from deep in the bowels of SAHMdom. It's not always like this but on days like today I think about going back to work full-time.

1 comment:

Coletta said...

My Dearest Abby,
Could it be? Can my beloved, precious cousin now only live about 20 minutes away from me? Is that really possible? I was stealing a peek at my darling second cousins (a first look at Alita). I just suddenly decided to lookup your blog site and started seeing words I recognized like Elk Grove and Sacramento. If I am reading correctly, you just moved to Elk Grove. What has brought you back to California? Do you know I only live in East Sac., real close to Sac. State? Gosh how I have missed you (though I am sure you would not know it by my lack of communication). On more than one occasion I have thought of how it would be nice to come visit you in Arizona and meet my young cousins. But it seems that I would not have so far to go. I am so excited ~ I would to hear from you. Have a blessed week!

Much love sweet cousin,
Colette :o)
PS. Sorry to use your blog to do this ~ the e-mail address I have is expired.