Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday Thoughts on my Faith
Where on earth am I going with this spiritually you may ask? Well, I drew an analogy from this story to my spiritual life. I've been training for my spiritual race pretty much on my own the past several years. Not really by choice however I haven't sought out spiritual "coaching" consistently either. I did when I was younger. My first spiritual mentor was Glennie, my High School Sunday School teacher. She would meet with me for lunch and talk through my walk with Christ. Glennie led me to volunteering at the Crisis Pregnancy Center when I told her how deeply the abortion controversy was effecting me. Glennie also introduced me to a professional counselor from our Church when it was obvious I needed more than just spiritual counseling. She and I wrote through my first year of college and although we are not in touch today she holds a very special place in my heart.
The next woman I met with was Kitty, the Executive Director from the Bible Camp where I spent many summers as a camper and staff. I told Kitty things I had never told anyone and she always pointed me back to the trustworthiness of God. Kitty helped me see that God was kind and good and He loved me unconditionally. I am still in touch with Kitty through Facebook and her amazing smile lifts my heart everytime I see it. In her eyes I see that God loves me, no matter what!
Next came Dawn. Another year round resident of the camp I mentioned above. Her husband was the Camp Director. With Dawn I was encouraged to face my fears and trust God with them wholly. She is a woman who has faced her own fears with tremendous courage and faith in God. We are also still in touch through email and letters and when I think of her inner strength that comes from a close walk with Christ I am still inspired.
In college I met with Deb. She was the school's Vice President of Student Affairs (if I remember her title correctly). It's kind of an interesting story how we met which I won't go into now, but I spent many a hour in her living room just a couple of miles from campus sorting out the struggles of my faith. One night I walked around for hours with heavy thoughts on my mind. I wound up on her doorstep, totally distraught and she took me in of course. Made me tea and called my roommates to reassure them I was alright. Deb coached me through some of my darkest thoughts about my faith. Remembering Deb's infectious energy and tenacity always reminds me to keep going when the going gets tough.
And that's where my being coached ends. I met with Deb when I was 22 so for the last 14 years I have been without a "coach". My training as a Spiritual Athlete has seriously suffered because of it. I've even stopped "training" altogether at times. It's so easy when we are on our own to make excuses, rationalize our choices and become lazy. Fellow Athletes are essential as well to hold us accountable, challenge and encourage us but I think having a coach is not to be overlooked. I think the level of coaching we need depends on each individual person. For some, listening to a Pastor preach each Sunday is all the coaching they need. For me, I think I need one-on-one mentoring from an older Christian woman. This is what I'm praying for: an mature Christian woman who can coach me back into being a top Spiritual Athlete. I need to help getting my discipline back and what the best way is to strengthen my "muscles" without hurting myself. I want to run in the race that Paul talks about in 1 Corinthians 9:24 in the most efficient and fastest way possible and I need a spiritual mentor, coach or personal trainer to do it.
I hope God shows me who she is soon. Maybe if I find the right coach I can do some coaching of my own someday..............."Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children,to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored." Titus 2:3-5
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Take care my friends!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Monday Morning Random Fact
**We aren't Jewish but my former stepmom is and that's why my Dad did the Hanukkah party.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Friday Funnies
Good Advice From Kids
"Never trust a dog to watch your food."
-Patrick, age 10
"When your dad is mad and asks you, 'Do I look stupid?' Don't answer."
-Hannah, age 9
Never tell your Mom her diet's not working."
-Michael, age 14
"Stay away from prunes."
-Randy, age 9
"Don't pull Dad's finger when he tells you to."
-Emily, age 10
"When your Mom is mad at your dad, don't let her brush your hair."
-Taylia, age 11
"Never let your three-year old brother in the same room as your school assignment."
-Traci, age 14
"A puppy always has bad breath--even after eating a Tic-Tac."
- Andrew, age 9
"Never hold a dustbuster and a cat at the same time."
- Kyoyo, age 11
"You can't hide a piece of broccoli in a glass of milk."
-Amir, age 9
"Don't wear polka-dot underwear under white shorts."
-Kellie, age 11
"If you want a kitten, start out by asking for a horse."
-Naomi, age 15
"Felt-tip markers are not good to use as lipstick."
-Lauren, age 9
"Don't pick on your sister when she's holding a baseball bat."
-Joel, age 10
"When you get a bad grade in school, show it to your Mom when she's on the phone."
-Alyesha, age 13
-Eileen, age 8
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday Thoughts on my Faith

Yesterday I felt like a bloated whale. I went for a walk about a 1/2 hour after dinner and I was shocked to feel how out of shape I am. I huffed and puffed the whole way, it was awful! What does this have to do with my faith? I was praying and thinking as I walked and I had a recurring thought that I should fast today and dedicate my weight loss to the Lord. I am not getting anywhere on my own despite the fact that I have many plans on how to shed weight but I can't seem to execute those plans. I need His help, period. I considered quite a bit fasting today but I didn't make any commitments to God about it.
This morning I pushed away the thoughts of fasting. I found myself wanting my morning sugar fix cleverly disguised in a "healthy" bowl of granola with yogurt. As I ate my breakfast I opened my daily prayer email from Children of Destiny (a group of Christian parents with autistic kiddos). In an interesting coincidence Children of Destiny declared this day a day of fasting for our kids. (Long pause). I stared at my delicious cup of coffee that was only half finished and the last 3 bites of my sweet granola and I struggled. I really, really wanted to finish my breakfast but I could feel God's Spirit tugging on me. I finally relented when I remembered that obeying God will bring blessings and I know I won't regret it. I committed to fast today and not to eat again until breakfast tomorrow. We will see what the Lord has in store for me in the area of weight loss and I am honored to make the sacrifice for my son with autism. I trust God will bless this fast.
“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?”
(Isaiah 58:6, NIV)
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Traditional Tuesdays
Meatball Pizza
Italian flatbread or focaccia
jarred pizza sauce
shredded mozzarella cheese
Trader Joe's frozen meatballs or any brand of cooked meatball (thawed)
Cut bread in half lengthwise. Layer sauce and cheese. Slice meatballs in thin slices and place on top of bread, sauce and cheese. Broil for 2-3 minutes or bake at 425 on the top rack for 5-10 minutes.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Monday Morning Random Fact
Friday, April 17, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Thursday Thoughts on my Faith
Sigh. I am so human and part of my human-ness is forgetfulness. I found myself in the depths of discouragement again this week. And the first thing I did is what I always do, I tried to figure out how to solve my problem. But when I couldn't solve it, when I couldn't see my way out from under it using my limited human power and understanding I did what I always turn to second: food. I downed a 1/4 of leftover birthday cake doused in half-n-half and cried myself to sleep. Surprisingly, that didn't solve my problem either (I know, strange). As I descended into depression I decided to, sigh, give God a try. Maybe He can help me. I thought. MAYBE??? MAYBE God can help? Sheesh! No wonder my spirit was in trouble. Like I said, I'm good at forgetting.
I tend to easily forget all the times His Spirit and His Word have pulled me through. Sometimes He fixes the problem and sometimes He just fixes my attitude but it's ALWAYS, ALWAYS better. I never regret seeking the Lord in times of trouble. How could I forget the best thing that ever happened to me? How could I forget the peace that only His Spirit could give me? How could I forget all the miracle solutions that suddenly appear sometimes? How could I forget God's goodness and His love for me. Sadly, easily.
So this week, even though it was the 3rd thing I tried, I did remember to go to the One source of ultimate contentment and as always, He delivered. My problem is still current (but it has improved) but what changed dramatically is my attitude. God has given me an attitude of beauty and peace and that attitude gives me the oomph I need to soldier on. The storm rages around me but I know in Whom I have trusted and hopefully this time I will continue to trust Him through it. The verse above from Jeremiah was particularly meaningful to me this week. It's a reminder to "eat His words" which to me says not just read the Word but ingest it and apply it to my life especially in times where comfort is needed. Along with prayer and just "being" in God's presence when I am hurting the Bible contains all the encouragement I need.
Oh Lord, give me the memory of an elephant when it comes to You. Help me not to forget that you should be my first line of defense against discouragement!!! Amen!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday Morning Random Fact
How are you this Monday Morning?
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Immunization Wars and Autism
Why are my panties in a bunch about this today? Today posted on, which is believed to be the most popular "mom blog" of all time run by mom Heather Armstrong, was a "momversation" about vaccines that set me off. It was video clips of three moms, who do not have a child with autism, making the above argument for vaccines over and over and over! So, I had to respond on my own blog even though maybe only 4 people will read it and thousands read Dooce.
Here's why I think we are experiencing this epidemic of autism: We have made this world so toxic that the immune systems of 1 in 66 of our children are bailing on them effecting, among other parts of their bodies, their cognitive development thus causing autism. From the food we eat and how we produce it to the overuse of plastics. From the heavy metals and preservative poisons we pump into their little bodies along with the life saving vaccines to the pounds and pounds of sugar we pour into them every year. Air quality, stress, too much TV, polluted water, hormones in the meat supply, the overuse of corn, etc, etc, etc. It's just all too much for them! In our collective pursuit of mammon and making everything in our lives faster, easier and cheaper we have sacrificed our children. Strong words I know but I believe this with all my heart, mind and strength.
After reading scads of articles, books and seeing numerous doctors I have come to the following conclusion about Bear, my autistic son. Along with the polluted earth in general, I believe my son has autism because of 4 things: 1) my terrible nutrition while pregnant with him and his terrible nutrition as an infant (formula), 2) the antibiotics I took while in labor with him because I was positive for Group B Strep, 3) a tetanus shot I received while pregnant and his vaccinations he received in his first 2 years and 4) a high fever that lasted for 4 days right around his 1st birthday finished him off. From what I know so far, these 4 things along with a genetic pre-disposition, were Bear's personal "autism cocktail".
Now, were any one of the things listed above devastating by themselves? No. I've talked to women who lived on only pickles and Ritz crackers for their entire pregnancies because they couldn't keep anything else down and their children don't have autism. I know lots of babies fed formula and they don't have autism. Group B Strep is present in 30% of pregnant woman and those women probably had antibiotics during labor and tons of their kids are autism-free. And then the "holy" vaccines that parents are waring over, of course for every 1 child diagnosed with autism there are 65 children, most of whom were probably fully vaccinated that did not develop autism. And the antedoctal icing on the cake there are plenty of stories of unvaccinated children developing the disorder. You see where I'm going with this...........It's not just one thing people!!!!! It's all of it!!!!! And I think partially our society is turning a blind eye because cleaning up this messy planet and the way we live our lives seems like an impossible task. I know it does to me as an individual. I think the government is turning a blind eye because of money and greed, plain and simple.
This is my my 2 cents tossed into the "Great Vaccine Debate" between parents these days. If you are "pro-vax" please stop leaning only on the argument that science hasn't linked autism directly to vaccines as the only reason why parents should vaccinate and vaccinate fully. Some of us parents who choose not to vaccinate or vaccinate differently that what is suggested by the medical community are doing so not because of a direct link to autism but an indirect one. Since every little body God creates is different and there are so many environmental "suspects" for the scientists to consider it's going to be difficult if not impossible to nail down what specific combo of pollutants, vaccines, lack of nutrients, etc cause autism. The science is going to be slow on this issue folks but since I believe that vaccines played a part in my son's autism I assume our kids have a higher chance of having the genetic pre-disposition for autism and we stepped off the beaten path in the area of vaccines. We chose not to vaccinate Monkey until he was 4 and then he's only partially vaccinated. Baby Girl is currently free of vaccines and will be until she turns 3. Until you have to face autism in your child and are forced to delve into the vast sea of information on what happened to your child in order to heal that child and hopefully prevent your other children from suffereing quit having so many opinions about what we are doing!!!!! Or better yet, LISTEN TO US FIRST!
I must add in conclusion, a request now that I have been so brash, this problem of autism is so big, widespread and the causes are numerous. Truly only God can help us. Please pray for us and our children. April is Autism Awareness month. You will find a useful prayer schedule at Children of
Thursday Thoughts on my Faith
Most of the time I absolutely love praying for the kids at night. I take a deep breath, prepare my heart to enter into God's presence by letting go of the day's worries and hand over the 3 most precious little people in my life over to God. It is a sacred moment of sacrifice that I have come to crave.
I always start the prayer with praise for God. I'm trying to teach my children that it is good to praise Him since God inhabits our praise. Also, I hope to teach them about God by naming His attributes out loud. Next, I have a few things I pray for them on a regular basis.
1) I pray for their safety: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.
2) I ask God to give them wisdom and discernment in situations where someone means to harm them (the underlying subtext here is, among other things like bullies, pedophiles).
3) I ask God to give them a thirst for righteousness and a thirst for His word.
4) I ask God's Spirit would work in their hearts and minds teaching them about Himself in a way they can understand (The subtext here is especially for Bear. His autistic brain twists things around in ways I often can't follow so I have to fully trust that God will speak to him concerning who He is when I can't. I have always trusted God to help me with teaching Bear about spiritual things and He continues to prove faithful in this area. Bear seems to understand the things of God better than anything else. He reads his Bible on his own and a devotional book and the most blessed things come out of his mouth!).
5) I ask that God would give them good, godly friends who will build them up.
I don't always pray all 5 of these things every night but I found out I always have to include the safety one. Bear reminds me of only that one if I forget. One night as I turned to leave Bear said, "Mom, aren't you going to pray for our safety?" Then he added, "Physical, mental, emotional and spiritual?" I guess you could say he's listening! He never reminds me of the other things, just that one. I am pleased that he may focus on that one because he understands that God is our ultimate help in times of trouble.
Before I sign off for the day I wanted to share a resource for praying for our kids that I just stumbled across. It's 40 Ways to Pray for Your Children from Christianity Today. I just printed this out and am excited to incorporate some of the things on their extensive list in my prayers for my kids each night!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Wednesdays at my House
Traditional Tuesdays
I think I found the best way to eat for our family with Nourishing Traditions but because I can't manage my portions I'm not losing weight on it. Oh yeah, and the ice cream and chocolate I eat too much of almost daily don't help either. I'm feeling pretty discouraged. I used to be able to follow a diet for a few weeks before I bailed on it (my record was 3 months on Atkins). Then I could do it for a couple of weeks before binging and now? I literally can eat right for 1 day. I ate perfect portions, tons of veges and low sugar on Monday but on Tuesday I finished on a quart of ice cream that was about 1/2 full. Sigh.
So, I know why I'm fat and I know how I need to eat differently to change it and exercise is not a problem (I LOVE TO EXERCISE). However, I think my biology is working against me. After research on the Internet and talking with some friends I think my hormones are out of whack and possibly my thyroid (I have had 8 out of the 10 main symptoms for years now). I have come to the conclusion that I may need some medical help to lose weight at this point. Which is hard to admit I'm so independent and stubborn. However, I've heard it said that say insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result so I've got to do something different this time. A friend of mine knows a really good doctor who specializes in helping women "balance out" so I'm going to call and make an appointment as soon as I finish this post.
Here's my favorite new recipe of the week from Nourishing Traditions:
Basic Muffins
This is a great plain muffin mix that you can add whatever you like to it! See a note on soaking at the bottom.
3 c. of whole wheat flour
2 c. of buttermilk, kefir or yogurt
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 t. sea salt
1/4 c. maple syrup
2 t. baking soda
1 t. vanilla extract
3 T. melted butter
Soak flour in buttermilk, kefir or yogurt in a warm place for 12-24 hours. Muffins will rise better after 24 hours. When ready to bake, blend remaining ingredients. Add whatever you like, raisins and cinnamon, berries, chocolate chips, mashed banana and nuts, etc, etc. Pour into well buttered muffin tins, filling about 3 quarters full. Bake at 325 degrees for about 1 hour or until a toothpick comes clean.
Note on soaking flour: You may be freaked out about leaving buttermilk or kefir unrefrigerated for a day but I've done it a couple of times now and the result of doing it is AWESOME and nobody has gotten sick. Cultured milk products do not go "bad" at room temperature in one day. You may wonder, why do this? Why soak the flour first? Soaking the flour for 12-24 hours in buttermilk or kefir or yogurt activates the enzyme phytase which breaks down the bran in grains (according to Nourishing Traditions bran is not good for your gut). Soaking increases the vitamin content and makes the nutrients in the grains more available. It also softens the whole meal flour so that the final product often tastes the same as if you used white flour. When you soak your flour first it rises easily with baking soda and doesn't need baking powder.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Monday Morning Random Fact
Friday, April 3, 2009
Friday Funnies
Here is a description from their website: "Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! is NPR's weekly hour-long quiz program. Each week on the radio you can test your knowledge against some of the best and brightest in the news and entertainment world while figuring out what's real news and what's made up."
I often listen to it online here: Wait Wait. Even if you are not interested in the news it's hilarious stuff! Check it out if you have time. It's very funny!
Thursday Thoughts On My Faith
Yesterday was about faith in action for me. A good friend and neighbor of mine broke her leg on a bike ride a couple of weeks ago. It was a bad a break. She had to have surgery to help mend it. She has two boys ages 5 & 7 and the older one has mild autism like mine. Her husband works 12 hour shifts, often over night, as an EMT. She has no family here in town. It almost goes without saying that she was going to need some help.
I did help her out a little. I took her boys overnight when she broke her leg and went to the ER and then again when she went back to the hospital for her surgery. I have been helping by picking her kids up from school, but I had this nagging feeling I wasn't doing enough. I called her periodically and asked if I could do anything. She usually politely said no, she was fine. I kept thinking about what it would be like if I were in her place. I would need TONS of help but I would probably politely turn down anyone who asked. I would probably be embarrassed because my house would be a mess and I probably wouldn't be able to shower often. But I thought, I wouldn't think badly of someone who had just had surgery and had a messy house!
Yesterday morning she called to tell me I didn't need to take her older son to school because he had been throwing up all night. I knew that her husband had been on a shift overnight and asked her how on earth she dealt with that from her wheelchair. She just laughed it off and said once again that she was okay. After I got my kids to school I called her back. I said kindly, "Look here friend, you have GOT to need some help over there. So put some pants on, I'm coming over in about 20 minutes and I won't take no for an answer!" I could hear her smiling meekly and she said, "Okay."
But I struggled on my way over there. I don't like to clean. No, I hate to clean. I really hate it. And I figured what she probably needed most was help with her kitchen or bathroom and I LOATHE cleaning kitchens and bathrooms. I'm a dust and vacuum kinda girl. And then I realized that I've been avoiding going over there (forgive me "friend" if you are reading this) because I didn't want to do the work. I was being totally selfish. I kept making the excuse to myself that I was asking her if she needed help and she gave me the "out" I wanted by telling me "no thanks". BUT I KNEW SHE MUST NEED HELP! Wouldn't you, if you were in her situation???? This is very humbling for me to admit that I knew someone who needed help and I avoided helping her. I feel like Jonah on the way to Ninevah but hopefully I listened to the Holy Spirit's conviction soon enough and avoided being swallowed by the whale!
So I asked God's forgiveness and asked Him to help me, help her. And of course He did. When I got there I found out that she did need help, in a big way. I asked her what was "bugging" her the most in her house. Of course it was the kid's bathroom. I thought, "Oh man, I HATE cleaning bathrooms!" But guess what? I was just fine while cleaning it, "little boy pee-pee stink" and all. I really was okay and I enjoyed serving the Lord doing it. I found a true joy from serving! I did some other things, changed sheets, folded laundry and the time flew by. I was surprised to find myself disappointed when had to leave because Baby Girl needed her nap. I planned to go back today to help again. However, my boys spiked fevers and had sore throats last night so I couldn't go back today and I was bummed that I couldn't go! I wanted that joy again of serving God by serving one of His children. Of course I am serving Him today by serving my own children (who have strep throat, poor babies!) but I think in the future I will not be so quick to make excuses when I have an opportunity to serve outside my home. I found, once again, it is always the right thing to obey God and love others as we love ourselves.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Today a Break from Our Regularly Scheduled Program
April is Autism Awareness Month and Children of Destiny launched a prayer campaign today for children with autism called Turning the Tide. As a parent of a child with autism I can tell you it's a devastating diagnosis that makes everything in a family harder. Even though my son, Bear, is considered "high functioning" his autism is still a dark cloud over our family. I know that many parents with disabled children somehow find the silver lining in the disability and are even thankful that it's something God brought into their lives. I will be honest, I hate autism and I would do just about anything, that wasn't a sin, to heal my son. The day we received his diagnosis I felt like he had died. I struggle all the time to have a relationship with Bear through the autism he buried under. I cry for him because he is often swirling in confusion as the connections in his brain are so crossed sometimes. I see no silver lining in the autism cloud, it's the worst thing that has ever happened to our family. Have I been blunt enough? It's just plain awful.
That being said about my personal experience, it's not just happening to my family. Autism is a worldwide epidemic. This morning on "Good Morning America" I heard it reported that the UK is now reporting 1 in 60 children and 1 in 38 boys are being diagnosed with autism. I believe when they do another count here in the US our numbers will be close to that as well. It's just EVERYWHERE and nobody on this earth knows why. But I am confident our Heavenly Father knows why and how we can 1) help the kids effected by autism and 2) stop this condition from stealing our children. That is one of the reasons Children of Destiny exists, to encourage people to pray for those with autism and their families. I get a daily email on how to pray for Bear and today the email included information on Turning the Tide a month long prayer campaign for our kids and autism. If you feel led, please join us! We truly need God's help to fight this battle.