Yesterday I felt like a bloated whale. I went for a walk about a 1/2 hour after dinner and I was shocked to feel how out of shape I am. I huffed and puffed the whole way, it was awful! What does this have to do with my faith? I was praying and thinking as I walked and I had a recurring thought that I should fast today and dedicate my weight loss to the Lord. I am not getting anywhere on my own despite the fact that I have many plans on how to shed weight but I can't seem to execute those plans. I need His help, period. I considered quite a bit fasting today but I didn't make any commitments to God about it.
This morning I pushed away the thoughts of fasting. I found myself wanting my morning sugar fix cleverly disguised in a "healthy" bowl of granola with yogurt. As I ate my breakfast I opened my daily prayer email from Children of Destiny (a group of Christian parents with autistic kiddos). In an interesting coincidence Children of Destiny declared this day a day of fasting for our kids. (Long pause). I stared at my delicious cup of coffee that was only half finished and the last 3 bites of my sweet granola and I struggled. I really, really wanted to finish my breakfast but I could feel God's Spirit tugging on me. I finally relented when I remembered that obeying God will bring blessings and I know I won't regret it. I committed to fast today and not to eat again until breakfast tomorrow. We will see what the Lord has in store for me in the area of weight loss and I am honored to make the sacrifice for my son with autism. I trust God will bless this fast.
“Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?”
(Isaiah 58:6, NIV)
I am praying for you today. Fasting is really hard but always worth it. Good luck!
Hey Abby, sweet cousin, I found this website Bible study really helpful and a blessing (my pastor recommended it). It helped me put my weight (and needing to lose it) in right perspective...maybe you would find it helpful too: http://www.settingcaptivesfree.com/lords_table/ Love you much!
Thanks guys! The fast went really well and as I suspected, I'm glad I did it!
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