Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday Tip of the Week

Put markers in a locked container when your kids are 3 and under............ha ha! Just kidding! My sweet daughter is in that drawing all over herself and furniture and the walls stage!

My *real* tip of the week comes from a book called "Potty Train in 1 Day". A friend of mine loaned me the book after she was able to potty train her 3 1/2 year old son in one day using it's methods. I've used the methods with all 3 kids and although my kids weren't potty trained in 1 day, the tips were very helpful and did help greatly with the potty training process! I also added my own tip on to the tip from the book at the end:

Tip: Give them lots and lots of yummy drinks so they need to pee often. Special drinks that they don't get often like fruit punch, lemonade, Capri Suns etc, etc. The idea is more they need to pee the more opportunites they have to practice the potty. The book also suggested you provide plenty of salty snacks to make them thirsty.

Now this tip was tough for me as a "water and milk (almost) only" mom. I give my kids less than 4 oz of juice a day and stuff like Capri Suns NEVER enter my house. But, to get rid of diapers I'd even consider the most evil of them all............KOOL AID! I haven't gone that far yet but Baby Girl has been enjoying a Capri Sun or two a day and it does give her more opportunities to practice the potty than what is typical for her. Yes, I know we are going to have to wean her from Capri Suns but that's another day!

Oh! And my own tip to go along with the one from the book: If you are at home with your Little One on the day you are giving them extra liquids, you should drink extra also to make you need the potty more often. When you have to pee it reminds you to take your Little Trainer along with you! Of course this tip is useless long distance so don't try this if you are at work =}. (That's my attempt to be funny today......)

Happy Potty-ing everyone!

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