Saturday, January 1, 2011

Two New Blogs

I just started writing two new blogs in addition to this one. I know that seems weird, why don't you just blog it all here? But the other two have very specific purposes where this blog is a hodge-podge of all my random thoughts.

The first one, Seeking To Glorify Him, is an alter of worship to God. I post my thoughts of worship and praise to the One True God there.

The second, Stories From the Scale, is about my journey to lose a large amount of weight. Also, I want to post other peoples stories of successful weight loss there. If you know of someone who has lost a significant amount of weight or has a unique (but healthy) weight loss method encourage them to email it to me at

And...believe it or not I may have another blog in the works....

Anyway, I still plan to blog here about myself, my life and my life as a SAHM but the other two have a purpose for me too. Check them out if you so desire, or don't.

By the by....HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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