Monday, April 13, 2009

Monday Morning Random Fact

I am a talker. I talk way too much and I talk all the time. However, get me in a car, especially on a long car trip, and I completely shut up. In the car I love to just think and watch the world go by. It drives my husband crazy because a car trip is when he WANTS me to talk a lot.

How are you this Monday Morning?


Coletta said...

I have word association. When I hear certain words or phrases various songs will start running through my head if those words are in the song. Sometimes the words or phrases will also trigger scenes of movies running through my head.

Molly Cole said...

I hate skipping pages in books that I read to my 1 year old. Most of the time he could care less, but I have to flip to the right page before proceeding on - no matter how many times I've read the story.

AKA said...

I am so bad at knowing who the artist is who is singing a song. I can own the CD and still not know who the artist is. Unless I have seen them perform that is. I am such a visual learner that if I have seen the person in concert or even on TV then I can usually figure out the singer.