Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday Tip of the Week

Okay, I'm changing my format a bit. Instead of just focusing on areas of my house I need to organize on Wednesdays I am going to post tips on life that I pick up along the way. Everything from household stuff like cleaning and organizing to marriage and parenting stuff. I might even post make-up or fashion tips that I find but don't count on it I'm a bit lame when it comes to that stuff. I'm the frumpiest mom on the block! Hee hee.................My friends, please feel free to post any wonderful life "tips" you know here on Wednesdays!

Anywho, here is today's "Tip of the Week" from Lori Byerly of the
Generous Wife website. I get a tip everyday in my email about how to be a better wife from Lori and I LOVE them! Today's was something I'd never thought of before and I think it's a great idea:

"I had one of those "I'm scum" days. They happen once a month (though I'm blessed to have fairly easy periods, I still have a monthly "blue" day or two. I cry at commercials and generally see through a "life is half empty" filter). My husband has learned over the years how to gracefully remind me that it's a blue day and give me extra hugs. It was nice to be able to laugh at my "I'm scum and my life is scum" mood and know that 24 hours from now I'll be back to normal.
Tip of the day: please do mark your calendar and keep track of your cycle (know your down days). You can plan to take life a little easier so that you have the energy to treat people kindly and pamper yourself a bit. No sense in taking those days out on yourself or your wonderful husband."

Think Generous! Lori <><

What are some of your favorite life "tips"????

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