Thursday, July 9, 2009

Thursday Thoughts on my Faith

Retreat. What a beautiful word. Webster's dictionary defines it this way among others: "to withdraw, retire or draw back especially for shelter or seclusion". It has literally been years since I've taken a spiritual retreat and it shows. As I look forward to the time I will spend at my beloved Mt Gilead next week I am stunned by the fact that I have gotten out of the habit of regular retreat. I used to do it all the time in High School and College. Church and Christian college gave me opportunities to "go to the mountain" several times a year. It was so helpful and refreshing to step back from daily life and spend 24 hours to several days resting in God's presence. Pulling back from day-to-day worries and reconnecting with the Creator was nourishment my soul desperately needed...........and still does.

My worries were so much less complicated and overwhelming in High School and College however the habit of regular retreats helped to put my life in perspective. It gave me strength as well to face challenges and see my problems in a new light. How much more intense and heavy are my burdens now as a wife and mother? As I sit here this morning I am wondering what taking a regular retreat would do for me now. If I dedicated several days a year to resting in God's goodness, provision and allowing Him to renew my spirit what changes would that bring about in my life? I have a idea what that would do for me but I will wait and report what it actually does for me next week. I am excited to rest! Isn't that a funny concept?

Pray for me friends as I head off to the redwoods to seek Living Water to refresh my mind and spirit. May God draw me near and rejuvenate my weary soul. I seek to find a renewal of my relationship with our Heavenly Father. I seek to behold His glory and be comforted by His presence. I hope you all find pockets of retreat in your week so you may be renewed for daily "battles".

"He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside quiet waters. He restores my soul............." Psalm 23:2-3a

1 comment:

Kristin said...

I am praying you have an awesome time and get lots of retreat time with God.
I have been wishing my church would do a family camp/retreat. We could all really use something like that!