Monday, August 3, 2009

Monday Morning Random Fact

I'm back! It took me TWO WEEKS to recover from our vacation! The fact that I had raging PMS last week didn't help. I'm not totally back together but I think I'm ready to blog again!

Here's my random fact for today:

I got my first period when I was 11 years old. It was the very beginning of 6th grade and I was SHOCKED and HORRIFIED! I knew what it was the minute I saw that red dot in my undies but I thought it wouldn't come until I was at least 13! I was miserable all day. My mom and sister baked me a chocolate cake to cheer me up but the only decoration we had in the house were RED SPRINKLES! My sweet 9 year old sis thought she was being nice decorating the cake but I took one look at it and started sobbing.

How are you dear friends?


AKA said...

I was 13 when I started my period. A couple things about it were traumatic. I had my appendix out in Aug and I was staying with my grandma who proceeded to ask the surgeon (when he was removing my stitches) if there was something wrong since I hadn't started yet. I was horrified. Then when I did start a few months later, it happened to start on a night I spent at my dad's and I wasn't about to tell him and he refused to take me home since I didn't have a good excuse. I called my mom and cried on the phone and there was nothing she could do but try to comfort me. I hope my girls fair better than I did.

AKA said...

One more thing, my mom started her period when she was 9. Yes, 9 and my grandma had told her nothing about periods so she woke up bleeding and literally thought she was dying.

Coletta said...

Talking about first times of the month... I was thirteen and my mom had been starting to get concerned, calling me a "late bloomer" (to spite the fact that I got my first over the shoulder boulder holder when I was 9). I do remember in eighth grade, one time not being ready/prepared to start...wearing white jeans...have to accept an award on stage...a frantic call home for new pants...yeah... Those teen years... :oP

Anita said...

Instead of periods I am going to talk about breasts. I began developing 1 month before my 9th birthday so technically I was still 8. That's right. I woke up one morning and felt a bump on my chest, but only on the right side. I told my mom and she freaked! She was convinced I had a tumor and took me to the doctor where they ran a bunch of humiliating tests. Low and behold I had a boob instead of a tumor long before I cared for one.
I was 10 when a friend told me she thought I should wear a bra. The night I asked my mom to get one for me I cried and cried because I was so embarrassed.
Hope ya'll have better boob stories than mine.