Friday, February 6, 2009



Yes, I am outraged by the decisions made by, Nadya Suleman, the mother of the new octouplets. Her lack of intelligent decision making and self-control is unfathomable. The fact that her 7th pregnancy produced EIGHT BABIES instead of just one and that having octuplets was not her intention doesn't matter. Even if the pregnancy had produced only ONE baby this is completely foolish behavior. I love children too, I want dozens too but I can't afford them emotionally, mentally or financially and MY HUSBAND HAS A REALLY GOOD JOB!

Honestly, I don't think all the fault of this mess lies with Ms. Suleman. The same doc knocked her up all 7 times. I want that fertility doctor's head on a platter, or better yet, something else..........I know, I know, it's not a doctor's place to "judge" a patient's choices. But come on, where is the buck going to stop then??? Somebody should have stopped her, refused to mediacally impregnate her again and gotten her some good psychiatric care.

This is a terrible example of the cost when we live in a society where the rights of the one outweigh the good of society as a whole. We are going to "pay" for these children in more ways than one. I heard she reported to the media that she has never taken welfare and doesn't plan to now. She also said in an interview with Ann Curry of MSNBC, "When I'm done with my schooling I know I'll be able to afford them." What is she going to school for, How To Marry a Millionaire? No, she's going to school to be, get ready for it, A PSYCHOLOGIST! I can barely even restrain myself from commenting just on her chosen vocation but I hold back......back to just the financial aspect, even if she makes top dollar in that field FOURTEEN MOUTHS TO FEED, FOURTEEN BACKS TO CLOTHE AND A ROOF OVER THEIR FOURTEEN HEADS is going to cost some serious cash. Much more than the $125,000 a top therapist could make. And then there's the issue of how she is going to pay for them in the meantime while she's in school. I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts we will see her applying for Food Stamps soon. Of course unless she gets the 2 million dollars she's asking for to sell her story. On second thought, how far would 2 million go with FOURTEEN KIDS????? It's asinine to say that we, the people, are not going to "pay" for her children. In some way shape or form WE will pay, big!

In her first TV interview she said she is a good mom because she loves her children becauase, “I'm providing myself to my children. I'm loving them unconditionally, accepting them unconditionally,” she told Ann Curry of MSNBC. “Everything I do, I'll stop my life for them and be present with them. And hold them. And be with them. And how many parents do that?" Well, most of us do, don't we? She makes it sound like she is the only good parent in this world who provides emotional stability for her children. Many parents provide physical affection, unconditional love and are "present" with their children. MOST parents do not purposely continue to add children to their family risking their children's physical health and causing the family to live in poverty. A hug is not a hot meal. And how many hugs can she give 14 children in a day? I'm only awake for 16 hours, how could she be "present" with 14 kids with only 16-17 hours in a day?

I heard her say in the interview that she is being judged more harshly because she is a single mom. HELL YES! Choosing to be a single parent of so many children is totally irresponsible. Plain and simple. I'm sorry, I know that's not PC, (Thanks to Murphy Brown), but it's takes TWO to raise that many children. Actually, it will take MORE than two to raise all those children. Although I would be outraged if a couple without any income having a 7th child on purpose, a single mom doing it IS worse because the resources are cut by half.

I'm so frustrated about the whole thing I can't type anymore. Just because we "can" do something, doesn't mean that we "should". My prayers will be with those 14 children.

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