Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Morning Random Fact

I danced the "Electric Slide" only once in my life. I was 17 and it was at a dance in Washington DC during a conference for "Young Leaders".

Your turn..........


Anita said...

I have never had a broken bone, fracture or anything like it. I was going to say I have never had stitches either but that is not entirely true. I guess I can say I have never been to the ER to get stitches.

Molly Cole said...

I am 5'2" and my husband is
5'11" . . . but our torsos are the same length . . . thanks to those good ol' Drinen genes!

Coletta said...

I love dragon stories...but only when the dragon is on the hero's side and is not depicited as the villian.

Purple Mama said...

I am STILL loving these random facts ladies! They are just so fun and entertaining! They make me smile and laugh and we could all use more smiling and laughing right?

Thank you for sharing the odds and ends about your lives. Maybe that's a "random fact" about me: "I love random facts about my friends!"