Time to see my dirty laundry ladies or rather my dirty office. Yes, I took this picture of my office just this morning. Not only is it the one room I don't have fully unpacked from our move last June, it's where I stuff everything I don't know what to do with. It's also the place where I hide things when company is coming over. The problem is I don't seem to go back in there and bring the "stuff" back out after the company leaves. So the room just gets messier and messier. And I NEED to use this room! It's supposed to be our office and it's supposed to double as our guest room. Right now it's just our garbage room!!! It's embarrassing, it's stressful and I'm done with this room hanging over my head! I'm ready to take care of this "issue". Who's with me?
Yes, I'm mad as hell (at myself) and I'm not going to take it (from myself) ANYMORE!!!!! I am committing to cleaning this room up so we can actually use it! I am publicly committing to spending at least 30 minutes in there a day until it's cleaned up and ready for use. I will post pictures of my progress on Wednesdays. I have no idea how long it will take so be patient with me.
The first step is admitting you have a problem so.......I admit it! I'm a Clutter Bug and I'm ready to unburden myself. After the office we will move on to other pockets of clutter around my house..........stay tuned...........
Being a pack rat/clutter bug must be a lovely family trait. I have a good bunch of boxes that I also need to go through from my move this summer. Here, maybe this will make you feel a little better. One of my boxes has items in it from my Christmas stocking...from Christmas 2006! Here's to us both getting ourselves in shape dear cousin...by His strength alone, we can do it. :o)
We totally had a room just like that after we moved! It took us a long while to get it under control. It was so easy to just put all of the things we didn't know what to do with in there, and just shut the door! :) It did feel like a huge burden off of my back once we got it done though. My advice . . . ask HD (that's him, right?) to help . . . guys seem to be way better at staying focused until a job is finished :)
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