Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wednesdays At My House-Getting Started

I can say I have spent some time in the office this week. Not a ton of time and I'm not posting a picture because it hardly looks different, YET!

My "30 minutes a day" cleaning up the office plan wasn't working. When I go in the office I'm so overwhelmed I don't even know where to start. I'm totally stressed out by the idea of spending 30 straight minutes in there and I don't need any more stress right now. Plus, finding a solid block of 30 minutes with an almost 2 year-old daughter running around was proving challenging. So here's what I did this week: Every hour that my older kids are in school, at 10 'till the hour I go into the office and take care of 30 items. I do it as quickly as I can because like I said it stresses me out to be in the office for very long. It only takes a few minutes and my daughter can't get into too much trouble in that time. Even when she comes in there with me it's not a big deal. So this seems to be the solution for the moment. Basically it's a slow way of getting the job done but productive and much more manageable so I don't feel stressed out by it.

I plan to continue this "30 items at 10 'till the hour, 6 times a day" until the office is manageable (meaning not stressful when I look at it). Then I plan to go back to the 30 minutes a day plan unless that doesn't work with taking care of daughter dear. I guess what I've learned so far about home organization is that sometimes the plans have to change to met a goal but to keep my eyes on the goal and keep moving forward! I hope to post a picture next week if the room looks different!

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