Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monday Morning Random Fact

I am not consistent at all with weight gain during pregnancy. With Bear I gained 76 lbs (yep, it's safe to say I totally let my self go!), with Monkey I gained 26 lbs (I found out that letting myself go was a BAD idea!) and then with Baby Girl I gained 40 lbs.


Anita said...

I was just the opposite. I gained the same amount with both pregnancies even though my diets were completely different. With the first I had gall bladder trouble so the Dr.s wanted me on a low fat diet, but I still gained 39 lbs. With the second I was on a high protein with a lot of healthy fat diet. I gained 40 lbs. Go figure.

AKA said...

Mine were pretty similar in weights, the first 2 I think were 29 and 30 pounds that I gained and the last one was only 24 but she was 1 month early so am pretty sure I would have gained a few pounds that last month. Of course my first was 3 weeks early and my middle one was right on time.
The hardest to lose has been from the last one though, those darn C-sections really do you in!

Coletta said...

I have babies, so I shall talk about Bottle Caps. I really like the Bottle Caps candy (rootbeer is my favorite). But, I was sadden to find recently that they had changed the shape. They are now less bottle cap shaped and more like thick Smarties. So, here is the random part...I don't like them as much. I am sure the flavors have not changed, but they do not chew quite the same.

Coletta said...

Oops, that should say, "I have NO babies."

Molly Cole said...

I hate killing bugs (especially spiders) that get in the house. It grosses me out! I was inspired to write this random fact by the huge beatle I JUST trapped under a cup. I'm trying to figure out how to dispose of it at this very moment. YUCK! (I wish my husband was home)