Monday, March 16, 2009

Monday Morning Random Fact

I have plastic plates and cups for the kids that are green and blue. When I put them away in the cupboard they HAVE TO BE put away green, blue, green, blue, etc. If two greens or two blues are stacked on top of each other I have to fix it. If DH puts away the dishes I go in the kitchen (after he's left of course!) and make sure the plates are alternating colors. OCD?

Come on ladies! Let your freak flag fly and share those Random Facts!!!!


AKA said...

We have light blue and dark blue dishes and I definitely like to alternate them. It looks so much prettier that way. Although I don't necessarily have to change them if they aren't in the right order. But when I unload them from the dishwasher.

Coletta said...

When I was little, my brother and I use to chew "sour grass," and loved it. It was a long type of grass that grew yellow flowers at the ends of some of the stalks. Those are the ones we would chew on, they had kind of a tangy, dry flavor if I remember correctly...the original sour candy I guess.