Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thursday Thoughts on my Faith

Sigh. I'm a bit raw right now. I'm dealing with some things in my spiritual life that are tough. Good, healthy, productive but tough. At the moment I don't really want to share exactly what's going on but maybe this verse will give you some idea.

“Yield now and be at peace with Him;
Thereby good will come to you.
Please receive instruction from His mouth
And establish His words in your heart.
If you return to the Almighty, you will be restored;"
-Job 22:21-23a

That's all for now.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday Morning Random Fact

I am NOT a morning person. My perfect schedule would be to go to bed at 10pm and wake up at 7am. However, life current circumstances do not allow for that. The kids know not to really expect much of me until I have one cup of coffee in me.

How are you today sisters?

Friday, May 22, 2009


As you may (or may not) have noticed I have been MIA on my blog since Tuesday. Well, it's been a rough week. The boys are "off-track" this month which means they are out of school for the month of May. Our local schools are on a year round schedule so for every 8-12 weeks of school the kids have a 4-6 week break off. Just this week I've noticed a pattern for our off-track time. When the boys have a school break we all do great for the first 2 weeks. I have a lot of energy and take them to do fun things, play games with them and get most of my housework done. However, I don't get much time to myself to re-coop. So it makes sense when on week 3 it all seems to go to the dogs. The boys get bored and start getting on each others nerves and fighting. Bear's autistic behavior always worsens without tons of input. Baby Girl starts to show signs that she misses having me all to herself during the day and becomes whiny and also starts tantruming a bit more. I become exhausted from being Super Mom 24/7 and start craving alone time like I need air to breathe. The house goes to pot and so do I (I literally crumpled to the floor in tears Wednesday night after getting the kids in bed). DH comes home to a bitchy wife, whiny kids and PB & J for dinner. It just ain't a pretty sight.

I haven't totally decided what to do with this realization yet to make our next school break one that doesn't crash and burn after 2 weeks. I have some ideas like pace myself on our next break. However, for now I have taken a deep breath, let go of my high expectations for each day and am in survival mode. I am not fretting about the house, just gotta keep it sanitary. The kids might watch a little too much TV so I can keep my sanity. I may buy some "easy to make meals" and not stress about making a big dinner at the end of each day. Just gotta relax and get us through the next week with our spirits intact. Caring for our hearts and minds is more important than whether or not the house is dusted. We just have to get through next week and the boys go back to school. Whew! After I re-coop a bit I'll try to make a plan so our next time off is a better one.

My blogging may be hit and miss until then. Stay tuned...........

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monday Morning Random Fact

I am not consistent at all with weight gain during pregnancy. With Bear I gained 76 lbs (yep, it's safe to say I totally let my self go!), with Monkey I gained 26 lbs (I found out that letting myself go was a BAD idea!) and then with Baby Girl I gained 40 lbs.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Friday Funnies

This was sent to me by my mother-in-law. The Happy Mother's Day merriment continues!


Answers given by 2nd grade school children to the following questions:

Why did God make mothers?

1. She's the only one who knows where the scotch tape is.
2. Mostly to clean the house.
3. To help us out of there when we were getting born.

How did God make mothers?

1. He used dirt, just like for the rest of us.
2 Magic plus super powers and a lot of stirring.
3. God made my Mom just the same like he made me. He just used bigger parts.

What ingredients are mothers made of ?

1. God makes mothers out of clouds and angel hair and everything nice in the world and one dab of mean.
2. They had to get their start from men's bones. Then they mostly use string, I think.

Why did God give you your mother and not some other mom?

1. We're related.
2. God knew she likes me a lot more than other people's moms like me.

What kind of little girl was your mom?

1. My Mom has always been my mom and none of that other stuff.
2. I don't know because I wasn't there, but my guess would be pretty bossy.
3. They say she used to be nice.

What did Mom need to know about dad before she married him?

1. His last name.
2. She had to know his background. Like is he a crook? Does he get drunk on beer?
3. Does he make at least $800 a year? Did he say NO to drugs and YES to chores?

Why did your mom marry your dad?

1. My dad makes the best spaghetti in the world. And my Mom eats a lot..
2. She got too old to do anything else with him.
3. My grandma says that Mom didn't have her thinking cap on.

Who's the boss at your house?

1. Mom doesn't want to be boss, but she has to because dad's such a goof ball.
2. Mom. You can tell by room inspection. She sees the stuff under the bed.
3. I guess Mom is, but only because she has a lot more to do than dad.

What's the difference between moms & dads?

1. Moms work at work and work at home and dads just go to work at work.
2. Moms know how to talk to teachers without scaring them.
3. Dads are taller & stronger, but moms have all the real power 'cause that's who you got to ask if you want to sleep over at your friend's.
4. Moms have magic, they make you feel better without medicine.

What does your mom do in her spare time?

1. Mothers don't do spare time.
2. To hear her tell it, she pays bills all day long.

What would it take to make your mom perfect?

1. On the inside she's already perfect. Outside, I think some kind of plastic surgery.
2. Diet. You know, her hair. I'd diet, maybe blue.

If you could change one thing about your mom, what would it be?

1. She has this weird thing about me keeping my room clean. I'd get rid of that.
2. I'd make my mom smarter. Then she would know it was my sister who did it and not me.
3. I would like for her to get rid of those invisible eyes on the back of her head.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thursday Thoughts on my Faith

First a public apology to those I have offended with my blog. If you are reading this and have no idea what I'm talking about, no worries. Those who have contacted me and are offended know who they are. I'm so sorry, I will try to be more sensitive in the future.

Today's thoughts on my faith center around this verse "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded." James 4:8. James is one of my favorite books. It may be my absolute favorite book in the New Testament. I have always found it interesting that James just barely made it into the Bible. And I personally am always thankful that it did. It talks tough to us about how we are to live our lives but it's definitely tough LOVE. I find the book so convicting and comforting at the same time.

Today I'm smack dab in the middle of that tough love that God pours out in James. It feels great and awful at the same time. However, most importantly it feels right. I'm right where He wants me to be (I think) so I am calm in the storm. Just going to stay on the boat while the waves crash around me until He tells me to get off. Amen.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday Tip of the Week

Okay, I have to celebrate a bit here on my blog before my tip..............I made butter today!!!! It was such a rush! I wonder if Laura Ingells Wilder used to feel the same excitement when she turned (or rather churned) regular ole cream into butter? Probably not. But I didn't have to work very hard, my Kitchen Aide mixer did however. I put raw cream into the mixer, whipped it on high for about 25 minutes and wall laa, BUTTER!

At first I just checked on it every few minutes. It looked like just whip cream for the longest time. As it mixed around and nothing seemed to be happening I will admit I had my doubts. As time ticked by I found myself watching to bowl more and more. I became mesmerized by the balloon whip spinning and spinning and as I watched I started rooting for the cream to turn. Turn baby, turn! I really started to believe that it wasn't going to happen but I couldn't tear myself away from the silver bowl. But just when I was about to give up I noticed small yellow curds forming and the buttermilk separating out. All of a sudden the buttermilk started splashing out the sides, I turned the mixer down a bit to contain the mess. Here is where it got really exciting. In one dramatic moment the curds clumped together into a gorgeous yellow ball and were fully separated from the creamy white buttermilk now collected in the bottom of the bowl.

It reminded me of watching the birth of a child. Such hard work (on the part of my Kitchen Aide) and waiting, and waiting and waiting until it everything happens all at once. The butter seemed to be "birthed" out of the buttermilk in one climatic event. Okay, maybe that's a bit over the top. But it was really fun and exciting to watch. Unlike the birth of a child I didn't cry tears of joy but I did dance around the kitchen singing "Mama made butter! Mama made butter!" Baby Girl started singing it too "Mama may buh! Mama may buh!" She was just as excited as I was but had no idea why. My boys took a little taste, shrugged their shoulders and said, "Yep, tastes like butter Mom."

As exciting as it was I probably won't do it again. The experience was fun and I don't regret it. However, it cost me $12 for a pint of raw cream and I got about 2/3 of cup of butter out of it. I guess I could do it with pasteurized cream which would be cheaper but why would I? Trader Joe's has 1 lb of organic butter from pastured cows for $4.79. I'd have to spend much more than that on organic cream to get 1 lb of butter. Plus, my poor Kitchen Aide might wear out from all that "butter birthing"! I highly recommend doing it once though. It will make you feel like you Super Homemaker, Mama Extraordinaire! And we all could use a few more moments like that.

On to my tip of the week..........buying butter is more cost effective (but not as cool) as making your own. Just kidding! I don't know where this tip originates from but it's been around a while. If you drop a raw egg on the floor or counter sprinkle some salt on it generously. Wait a few minutes and then just scoop it up with a spatula and towel. This tip comes in really handy when one of your kids drops and entire carton of eggs all over the floor you just mopped. You may use all your salt in that case but you won't lose your mind sopping up slippery raw egg for 2 hours!!!

What is your favorite tip in the kitchen? Cleaning it, cooking in it or whatever??????

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Traditional Tuesdays

I watched a fascinating show yesterday on the Discovery Health channel. It was called "The Truth About Food" and this episode focused on kids eating habits. Instead of just spouting off good advice on how to feed children, the show walked through a few studies to illustrate some myths about kids and food. The 2 main ones were 1) the idea that sugar makes kids hyper and 2) that children stop eating when they are full. Both studies convinced me that both are false. j

I always worry about what to put in my kid's tummies. As they get older I just fret about it more. For the most part my kids eat pretty well but they definitely over eat when it's something delicious to them (i.e. pizza) and they lust after desserts. This worries me because I don't want my kids to end up like DH and I. I often think over my own childhood eating experiences to discover why I am overweight. Not just for my own benefit but for my children.

As far as eating when I was a kid I experienced two extremes. Before age 12 we ate at home almost exclusively. My grandma lived with us and was our main cook. She cooked a ton of meat, potatoes and veggies. Meals were balanced and I usually felt pretty good after a meal. I rarely overate because although the food was tasty it wasn't out-of-this-world. I was a healthy kid who was a healthy weight. Then when my grandma became too ill to cook anymore my mom took over. My mom makes a fantastic Tuna Noodle Casserole among other things but she was busy being a full-time college student and working 3 part-time jobs didn't give her much time or energy to make meals. Also I was pretty picky, wanting A&W most nights and my sister was a vegetarian at the time. So we ate out..........a lot. Honestly, about 3-5 times a week. And we didn't have a lot of money so it was pizza, burritos, fast food and deli sandwiches. My mother also had an Honor Bakery business at this time and there was a TON of leftover donuts and pastries in our fridge 24/7. It was of course at this time that I begun to gain weight. And I developed horrible habits. If DH would let me I would probably STILL eat out 3-5 times a week. I like to cook and I'm fairly good at it but at the end of the day I'm usually tired and the biggest deterrent to cooking dinner for me is I don't want to clean up the kitchen at the end of the day.

DH is also overweight and I have thought long and hard about his food history. It is very similar to mine was as a child but it continued to be stable and healthy up through his teenage years. His mom cooked almost 365 days a year. My mom-in-law tells me that they almost never went out because even fast food with 5 kids (three of them boys) cost upwards of $50. DH has a large frame and he was an athlete (I think former athletes tend to gain weight because they continue to eat the same volume when they are not working out at the same level) but I am sorry to say that I'm the one who made him fat. Of course we ate out a lot when we were dating but that continued when we were newly married. And then I stuffed him full of ice cream and cookies after we got home from whatever restaurant. My husband was large but healthy when I met him and I've bloated him up with my awful habits. I'm sure he bears some responsibility but really the man eats what I give him. If I fed him better he would weigh less, I'm sure of it.

So, what's the answer? How can I keep my kids at a healthy weight and get DH and I to a healthy weight? Pretty simple. Cook at home, healthy, tasty food that is nutritiously dense. Model adequate portions and forego dessert most nights. Simple but so hard because it involves changing habits. It involves eating food that tastes good but not delicious. And the Grandaddy of them all..................involves me giving up sugar. Sugar is my comfort, my entertainment and my friend. I am gonna need God on this one big time. And thank goodness I need Him!

My plan right now is to seek the Lord when it comes to food. First for myself, since I'm the cook in this house and then for my family. I'm not going to make any diet plans, just seek Him and go with His leading. I can't even tell you how that last sentence scares me! But it will be good, right? It's always good when we are in the center of God's will. I want my kitchen to be in the center of God's will. Amen.

Well, this seems more like a Thursday post than a Tuesday post but I am going to leave a recipe of sorts at the bottom. I'm always trying to cut sugar down for my kids (at the same time trying not to restrict it too much so they go berserk when they are adults and feed on sugar day and night!) when I make pancakes or waffles on the weekends I "make" this syrup to go with it. It cuts down on the sugar content and boosts the nutritional content with the berries. Oh! And it helps with the cost of real maple syrup because you use less. It's uber simple and maybe widely known. I learned this from my sister.

Berry Syrup
2-3 cups frozen berries
1 cup (or less) real maple syrup

Put the berries in a bowl, pour in maple syrup until it just covers the berries. Thaw and heat in the microwave until warm. Serve. You can also thaw and heat in a pan on the stove.

Tada! Simple.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Morning Random Fact

My first kiss was at Bible Camp of all places when I was 14. I had played a few kissing games at parties in 8th grade (7 Minutes in Heaven, anyone =}?) but my first real kiss was with a boy named Casey who I had met the same day we kissed. He took me behind one of the buildings during a night game of Capture the Flag and kissed me. We hung out the next day and then he more or less ignored me the rest of the week. Nice.

Incidentally, my last "first kiss" was at the same Bible Camp. I was a staff member instead of a camper in the summer of 1993 when after knowing each other for 2 months the boy, who is now a man, who became my husband kissed me down at the horse corral under the stars. It was the absolute best kiss I've ever had! And DH is still the best kisser who has ever planted one on me! The man is gifted!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday Funnies

Mother's Day

My DH (Dear Husband) mentioned to me that he was thinking of making reservations at a very nice restaurant in town for Mother's Day brunch for our family this year. I was surprised to find myself screaming "Noooooo!" at the top of my lungs in my head. I have a toddler and two energetic school age boys and a fancy brunch with them sounds like hell on earth to me, Mother's Day or no Mother's Day. I see myself all dressed up but with a booger on each shoulder, make-up running down my sweaty face from getting myself AND the kids ready to go out ("Moooom! Where are my shoes?!?!?!) , taking one sip of my mimosa and then having to chase my toddler around the table while trying to explain to the boys what a "frittata" is only to have them say "Ewww, can I have a cheeseburger?". No, that does not sound like something I am interested in doing. Aren't I awful???

My sweet DH had all the love in his eyes when he presented this idea to me and I know that he knows I would love to have brunch at a fancy pants place..................but I don't think he knows I would want to go without the kids. "But it's Mother's Day." He would say, "Don't you want to be with your kids on Mother's Day?" Um, honestly? Are we talking about something I would ENJOY to celebrate the work I do? For now, during this season of my role as a Mama, a perfect Mother's Day to me would be a day all alone, sipping my mimosa in a bubble bath. But I couldn't tell DH that. So, instead of telling him that I'd rather bathe an elephant herd than go to a fancy brunch with our children I very diplomatically told him a nice, big breakfast at home sounded lovely to me. I think he bought it.

Someday, when my boys are in college and my baby girl is in high school I would LOVE to dine at a beautiful restaurant with them. There will be a Mother's Day somewhere in my future, when the conversation will be about how their classes are going and what their friends are up to and everyone at the table can cut their own meat, I will sit back, sip my mimosa and enjoy the fruits of my labor. However, since I can be totally honest and show my "Train-Wreck" self here on my blog, I've decided to list my top 10 things that I would really want for Mother's Day this year:

10. To sleep, for about 24 hours straight.
9. To not cook a meal for an entire day and not hear anyone complain over and over that they are hungry and then say "yuck!" about what I spent and hour cooking for them.
8. To hear only my own breath going in and out instead of "Moooom! He took my Star Wars guy and buried him in the backyard, AGAIN!"
7. To see only bubble bath, flowers and coffee cake instead of poop, dirty fingernails and a sink full of dishes.
6. To watch a movie that is not a cartoon AND to only have to refill my OWN popcorn bowl.
5. To enjoy a delightful meal at a gorgeous restaurant while having conversation with adults about music, culture and simple living instead of pretending to eat fake food over and over and over that was "cooked" in my baby girl's kitchen while threatening my boys within an inch of their lives if they don't KNOCK IT OFF! (Whatever they are doing that is loud......)
4. To take a leisurely shower, apply make-up, style hair and put on a smart outfit without any interruptions. ("Mom? Whoops! Sorry, I didn't know you were naked........but I don't have any more clean shirts and the baby took her poopy diaper off and put it in the toilet.")
3. To think only about what I want to do for the day.
2. To not feel guilty that there are actually things that I want to do for the day.
1. To have back my pre-baby body and do things I used to do with DH under the covers (or where ever).............and then sleep for 12 more hours.

I love being a mom, I truly do. It is the best thing I've ever done. But an escape from Motherhood, just for one day would be nice, wouldn't it? Just to catch your breath and then go back to it..........................

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY ALL MY DEAR MAMA FRIENDS! Have a mental mimosa in the bubble bath on me!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thursday Thoughts on my Faith

Casting all your care upon Him; for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7

Monkey and I had a wonderful conversation today on the way to the Ear, Nose and Throat doctor just this morning. Monkey had strep throat 3 times last winter and his tonsils are huge so our pediatrician sent us on for a consult to see if his tonsils needed to come out. Monkey was a bit apprehensive on the way there today. He said he was scared about having surgery. I reminded him that surgery wasn't a sure thing and that usually we anticipate things to be much worse than they really are. But then the Spirit nudged me to go a bit further and use this as a teaching moment about our faith in God. I told Monkey the following story about how God saved me in Paris and I thought I would recount it here as well:

After I graduated from college my parents sent me to Europe to see my sister who was studying in France for a semester. Right around the time we were planning the trip and booking the flight my cousin called and invited me to tour England and Wales with her and amazingly the two trips fit perfectly back to back. The plan was for me to fly into London, travel to France to be with my sis for 10 days and then travel back to London and spend 15 days in the UK with my cuz. Totally awesome right???? Young girl, college behind me and 25 days in Europe!!!! Woo Hoo! And it was a fantastic trip. For the most part it went off without a hitch however, there was the tiny matter of my getting so lost in Paris I thought I would literally just die on the streets alone.

To understand how dire my situation was you need the following facts: One, it was Sunday, two I had cashed in all my Francs for Pounds and three I speak ZERO French. Here is what happened. While traveling from France to England I had to take one train, then take the Parisian Subway to the Chunnel (train that travels under the English Channel). I got off at the wrong stop on the Subway. When I came up onto the street I knew I had made a mistake. I was in a residential neighborhood in Paris. Nobody spoke English of course. And since it was Sunday and Europe closes most of it's businesses on Sundays none of the stores were open where I could have cashed in a travelers check. While I was trying to figure out what to do I wandered away from the Subway and couldn't find my way back there. Then I really started to freak, I didn't even know where the Subway was but what was worse, even if I DID find my way back I had no money in the right currency to get back on the Subway! Panic was rising in my chest and I pictured myself sleeping on the streets of Paris for days until a cop found me totally delirious after being raped and mugged repeatedly. I just kept walking around in circles around the same blocks and through the same park trying to figure out what to do. I cried out to God "HELP ME GOD! HELP ME!!" I think that was all I kept saying to the Lord over and over. Finally, I gave up.

I sat down on a bench in that park where I'd decided I would probably spend the rest of my days and started bawling. Not more than 30 seconds after I had released my fate to the Parisian streets, two little faces were in my face. The French are very small people if you have never had the pleasure of visiting there. They were adults just short ones. It was a husband and wife in their mid-30's with 2 precious kiddos with them. They didn't speak English and like I mentioned I only knew how to say "thank you" in French and after a few minutes of hand gestures and confused faces I sobbed out "G-g-g-gar de No-o-o-r-r-rd". From somewhere deep in my brain I remembered the name of the train station where the Chunnel left from. Hallelujah! I knew where I was going! The two adorable French people smiled and babbled at me in their beautiful language while signaling for me to follow them. We walked along in silence exchanging awkward smiles. I was still crying however because I knew, but couldn't tell them, that even if they showed me where to go I had no Francs to board the Subway again! So I was still very worried and praying.

But God, of course, had things all taken care of. We got to the Subway the woman and kids waited outside while the man took me in, paid for me and him to go through the turn styles (he never looked to me to pay, he just paid) took me to the map, showed me where to get off and gave me this look as if to say "Are you okay now?" I nodded (still crying) and he left. I shouted after him through my tears that were now mostly from relief "Merci bu coup!!!! Merci bu coup!!!!!" (Forgive me French students if I'm not spelling that phrase right!)

Here are the things that I shared with my son today about how utterly amazing it all was. If it hadn't been Sunday I wouldn't have needed God, I would have just cashed a traveler's check and grabbed a cab. If I had had a cell phone I wouldn't have needed God, I would have just called my sis and she spoke fluent French and could have helped me. If the little French couple hadn't had kids with them I wouldn't have gone with them because I would have been too afraid. And finally the fact that the man just paid for my Subway ride as if he knew I had no money still makes my eyes sting with tears even as I type this. I have honestly often wondered if that couple were actual humans. I wonder if maybe they were just angels in disguise and I believe they could have been just that. However, I have remembered those sweet little faces in my prayers often. They did an amazingly good deed that day.

The experience of being lost in Paris was harrowing. I can still feel the terror I felt being lost and all alone in a foreign country. But I will always be thankful for it because it was a true testament of God's far reaching arms and total provision for me. I am grateful that I had that story to tell my son today. I am thankful to be able to tell my kids that I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that our Heavenly Father will always, always take care of us and I trust Him with my very life.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Wednesday Tip of the Week

Okay, I'm changing my format a bit. Instead of just focusing on areas of my house I need to organize on Wednesdays I am going to post tips on life that I pick up along the way. Everything from household stuff like cleaning and organizing to marriage and parenting stuff. I might even post make-up or fashion tips that I find but don't count on it I'm a bit lame when it comes to that stuff. I'm the frumpiest mom on the block! Hee hee.................My friends, please feel free to post any wonderful life "tips" you know here on Wednesdays!

Anywho, here is today's "Tip of the Week" from Lori Byerly of the
Generous Wife website. I get a tip everyday in my email about how to be a better wife from Lori and I LOVE them! Today's was something I'd never thought of before and I think it's a great idea:

"I had one of those "I'm scum" days. They happen once a month (though I'm blessed to have fairly easy periods, I still have a monthly "blue" day or two. I cry at commercials and generally see through a "life is half empty" filter). My husband has learned over the years how to gracefully remind me that it's a blue day and give me extra hugs. It was nice to be able to laugh at my "I'm scum and my life is scum" mood and know that 24 hours from now I'll be back to normal.
Tip of the day: please do mark your calendar and keep track of your cycle (know your down days). You can plan to take life a little easier so that you have the energy to treat people kindly and pamper yourself a bit. No sense in taking those days out on yourself or your wonderful husband."

Think Generous! Lori <><

What are some of your favorite life "tips"????

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Hi all, my in-laws are here for a visit so I didn't get a chance yesterday to steal away and blog. Here's my Random Fact for the week:

If I could live anywhere it would probably be Flagstaff, Arizona where my in-laws live. It's up in the mountains, very green, has a small town feel (population 50,000), it snows in the winter but not a ton, in general it's a very mellow place. Also, many of my in-laws live there and I love them! I have lived there twice before. Once for 9 months and again for 11 months. I'd move back there in a second.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Funnies

Check this propaganda videos from 1976 about the Swine Flu: Service Announcements

I am not trying to make light of the Swine Flu issue but.....................okay I am. It sounds like the authorities are doing what they need to do and I hope the illness resolves itself quickly. I recognize that it could turn into a huge disaster but right now the mainstream media is participating in fear-mongering that is totally unnecessary. Not that this fear mongering is anything new. Case and point is the service announcements I posted above! I laughed so hard watching those I almost fell off my chair. The woman's voice on the second one cracks me up as she so brightly and enthusiastically explains how "Dottie" died from her heart condition aggravated by the Swine Flu but not before giving it to her vet and 1/2 the neighborhood!!! I may have a weird sense of humor.................

PS The term "fear mongering" makes me laugh just by itself and that's why I used it twice........oh 3 times if you count here in my PS!!!