Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Christians are Fans of Twilight? Really????

That's my first response when I see Christian friends of mine all over Facebook "counting down the days" to the Twilight "Eclipse" movie premire tomorrow. Really ladies???? It's about vampires and werewolves, 'nuff said. But of course I will say more.....

It deeply disturbs me when Christians allow movies, TV and books that are blatantly about things of the occult into their lives. It's bad enough that the entertainment industry seeks to subtlety influence the masses with their backwards morality but when it's in your face evil, direct Bible quote evil, and Christians chose to embrace it...I'm dumbfounded.

The first time I heard of the Twilight Series and heard it was about vampires that was it for me. I had no more interest. Well, no, I take that back. I had plenty of interest because several women I knew were talking about it and I wanted to join in. Also, I LOVE a good book and a good series of books? I'm like a kid in a candy store. But I kept coming back to the whole vampire thing and never even cracked the first book open. Some may say to me, "if you've never read it, how can you know it's evil?" Well, to be plain, the Bible tells me so. I could quote a number of verses about staying away from the occult so how do Christians justify this when they read/watch the Twilight series? I realize that I'm a pretty "black and white" thinker and in this world there is room for some Biblical gray but show me the gray here. Vampires=evil according to God's word. And trying spin a story to make vampires=good well according to the Bible that is even MORE EVIL. Wolf in sheep's clothing anyone?

So for me, the bottom line was easy. I convicted that ready the Twilight series would not be pleasing to God and although I was interested in it I would stay away from it. However, my curiosity into what exactly makes it un-Biblical was peaked. So I went to my favorite website for seeking the breakdown of issues from a Biblical perspective, The Christian Research Institute. The article I read there went beyond just the occult factor in discouraging believers in reading the Twilight Series. It was a fascinating article by Stephen Ross, here is my favorite quote:

The Twilight love saga, then, may be the ultimate female coming-of-age fantasy that our biblically illiterate culture can offer, and, as such, this captivating story evokes dangerously false expectations in young women that no man could ever satisfy. In fact, given that female sexuality is quite naturally relational, far more so than young male sexuality, the comparison that comes to mind is that Twilight is to female sexuality what pornography is to male sexuality. As young men all too naturally tend to objectify women, and pornography intensifies that tendency, so young women tend to idealize and idolize young men, and Twilight exacerbates that tendency. Under such influences, neither sex sees the opposite sex as they should.

Ross's article goes on to talk about the Mormon features of the series as well. The author Stephanie Meyer is a devout Mormon and apparently Twilight is intensely flavored with the beliefs of that heretical cult. Edward, the hero in the story, is an immortal being, a god if you will. Mormonism teaches that in the afterlife good Mormon men will be gods over their own universe. Mormonism is also a salvation through works doctrine and in the Twilight Series Edwards "good deeds" are highlighted. Deeds like "trying not to drink human blood" and eschewing pre-marital sex with the lead female character because he's afraid he might kill her during the act. Wow, those are some mighty wonderful works! Praise be to...hmmm...who? Who shall we praise for this???

Okay, now my struggle. I am so passionate about getting Christian women to STOP reading and watching this unholy trash I want to do something about it. But what? Every time I open my big mouth I get persecuted for being "judgmental". I'm not judging people, just the sin they are engaged in. I have a myriad of sins myself (many of which I discuss in this blog) and am far from perfect but I know God uses "jars of clay" to speak through. Maybe He is encouraging me to speak. I'll prayerfully seek God's will but for now this seriously cracked "jar of clay" will stand on her soapbox in a safe place, her blog.

Note: I'm sorry if I've offended any of my 4 readers. I can't remember if any you read Twilight or not. I don't mean to judge anyone, this issue really gets under my skin and I had to say something somewhere or it was going to burst out of my chest! Again, sorry to have offended any Twilight readers. And if you have evidence to refute anything in the article by Stephen Ross I would love to hear it!


Molly Cole said...

i like this post. i myself have never read the series as well. there have been a few times i've considered reading them, as i've heard how GREAT they are and how into them you get (just can't put it down). i just can't get passed the fact that the books are about vampires though. for me, it just doesn't seem right to read them. just like you said, i'm convicted to not read something i know is not right. BUT i have thought about it. really appreciated the quote regarding the evil of the series. helps me realize i really shouldn't ever read them no matter how often they are recommended.

Kristin said...

Umm, put me in the category that read them, liked aspects of them and will see the movie. I agree with a lot of what you said but I have a hard time being so black and white about some things. I know that for some people, it could be sinful but I don't think that means it is sinful for everyone. For example, I know without a doubt that when my husband does a Jillian Michaels exercise tape (yes he does them, they are hard!) that he isn't thinking about the women on the video wearing skimpy clothing and thinking lustful thoughts but that for some men, it would be a temptation and could lead to sin to watch women like that. I truly believe that some things lead some people to sin while it might not for another person.
Would I let my teenager daughter read them? I am not sure about that, especially one who's idea's about relationships are still forming. I personally had more issues with his domineering behavior which was almost abusive but very in tune with Mormon beliefs.
I guess the vampire stuff is a non issue for me. Maybe it should be and maybe one day I will be convicted of it but for now I find them entertaining (not a die hard fan like some though) but I also enjoyed Harry Potter and a lot of Christians were against that as well.
(And no, I wasn't offended by your post, it is always good to have honest discussions of issues)

Purple Mama said...

Kristin, I'm glad you weren't offended. I was thinking more about it last night and if I'm going to judge stories about "fantasy relationships" as female porn (not the male is a vampire fantasy but the male is acting like a woman wants him to act and not like men really act) I'm going to have to be more careful what I watch. Relationships in movies and books about human lovers can be totally bogus and unrealistic too.

For example, the last book I read was "Good in Bed" by Jennifer Weiner. Her ex-boyfriend is a total turd (by the author's standards) and honestly several times while reading it I was thought, "he's not terrible he is just acting like a man." And the man she ends up with at the end of the story acts more like a "fantasy man", the Prince Charming. He listens to her and cares deeply about all her drama, doesn't judge her at all by her physical appearance but just loves her for who she is, is patient, kind and never does anything macho, doesn't burp or fart in front of her, leaves the seat down.....Hmmmm....maybe I was reading some "female porn" too?

I still don't like the vampires stuff and I didn't like Harry Potter for the same reasons. BUT I like the Lord of the Rings and it has wizards and magic so....I don't know. I guess in the end I'm more worried about Christian Young Women reading Twilight that older ones. But after reading that article I'm worried about young women reading all book and watching all movies that paint men out to be something they are not. How much easier would the beginning of our marriages have been if we hadn't grown up watching the John Hughes movies?

Good thing my daughter won't be a teen for several years. That way I have some time to figure it out!

Purple Mama said...

I feel like I have to say also that my "man" is not awful. He listens to me, loves me for who I am, etc, etc. He is male though, quite male and I have learned to appreciate his male qualities. Thank heaven for real men!

Kristin said...

So many books and movies paint relationships in nonrealistic ways. Or at least they only show the honeymoon stage and not what happens when that ends and you live day in and day out with someone. For me, I feel that my relationship with my father more than anything screwed me up for relationships with men and I am reminded how gracious and amazing God is to have helped me get past that and have a solid relationship with my husband. So right now, my prayer is that my daughters relationship with their father will help them build the self confidence they need in their future relationships and also that he would be a Godly example of a husband and leader so they know what to look for. And also for my son to model.
Having girls is tough. I hope when my kids start really reading and reading more grown up stuff, that I will keep in tune with what they are reading and have lots of conversations about the content.